National Council on Educating Men of Color


The National Council on Educating Men of Color (NCEMC) is a dynamic and forward-thinking organization dedicated to advancing the educational opportunities and outcomes for men of color across the south/nation. Established with a commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by this demographic in the education system, the NCEMC serves as a catalyst for change and progress.

At the heart of the NCEMC’s mission is the development and implementation of the Ideal Men program—a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering academic success, personal growth, and holistic well-being among men of color. This innovative program is designed to create a supportive and empowering educational environment that recognizes and celebrates the diverse strengths, talents, and experiences of men of color.

As part of its multifaceted approach, the NCEMC engages in extensive research, collaborates with educational institutions, and leverages the expertise of professionals in the field to develop comprehensive policy recommendations. These recommendations, carefully crafted by the Council, serve as a blueprint for systemic changes that can positively impact the educational landscape for men of color. By advocating for inclusive policies and practices, the NCEMC strives to dismantle barriers, reduce disparities, and create a more equitable and enriching educational experience for men of color.

The NCEMC is not just an advocate for change; it is a driving force behind the transformation of educational systems to ensure that every man of color has the opportunity to thrive academically, personally, and socially. Through its commitment to the Ideal Men program and innovative policy recommendations, the National Council on Educating Men of Color is at the forefront of reshaping the narrative and fostering a future where education is truly inclusive and empowering for all.

Equity is not just an ideal but a lived reality, and justice prevails for every person.

Our Priorities

Equitable Education for All

Creating a Culture of Inclusion

Empowering through Social Responsibility

Advocacy for Justice and Equity


Kentaro D. Johnson, Principal Investigator

Dominque Killens Jr, Director of Special Programs

James Cooper, Program Manager

Carlos Rice, Managing Director